Benefits and useful tips of Banana peel

Who doesn't love banana? Easily available throughout the year, this fruit is rich in magnesium and potassium and has many benefits, while its importance for the good growth of children cannot be denied.

However, do you know how beneficial its peel can be for you?

Some of these benefits will surprise you.

*    Brush the teeth

Everyone wants pearly white teeth, but are you willing to go for expensive treatment? Banana peels contain citric acid that lightens stains on teeth.To use it at home, rub a banana peel on your teeth for two minutes daily after brushing. White will start to glow.

*    First Aid

Nail peels have anti-inflammatory properties which means they are great for insect bites, minor scrapes or sunburns, all you have to do is place the peel on the affected area and apply pressure. Do this until some relief is felt.

*    Get rid of nail acne

Similarly, the peels of the nails can also be used to eliminate nail acne, the peels of this fruit contain vitamins A, B, C and E, while zinc, magnesium and iron are also present. Helps to get rid of acne, when you rub the peel it will turn black due to the dirt on the face, when it turns completely black, take a new peel and continue this process for ten minutes.

*    Wrinkle free face

Similarly, rubbing the peel on the affected area every night also helps the skin to get rid of wrinkles within a few days.

*    Get rid of warts

If warts appear on the feet or hands, rubbing banana peels on them and leaving them overnight will prevent warts from appearing again.

*    Removal of wooden hangers

If a piece of wood is stuck in a part of the body and is causing pain, then banana peel can help, just cover the affected part with it, the ingredients in it will help to remove the stuck.

*     Disappear old scars

Cuticle peels have the ability to quickly reduce itching, swelling, redness and soreness, thanks to the fatty acids in it. For this purpose take a banana peel and apply it on the affected area, leave it for an hour or overnight. Repeat this process daily.

*    Use as fertilizer

Banana peels are just as rich in potassium as the fruit itself, an important nutrient that is important for both our bodies and your garden. Grind dried banana peels in a blender in early spring and sprinkle the pulp on new plants and seeds. Many varieties of roses and other plants benefit greatly from this safflower.

*    Protect plants from pests

Are insects attacking your roses or other plants? So wrap dry or banana peels cut to an inch or two deep around the base of the infested plant and soon these pesky pests will kill the plant. Never use whole bark or nails for this purpose as these will attract other animals that will dig and eat them and the plant will be destroyed.

*    Save from headache

If you are having a headache, put the peel in the fridge to cool and then put it on the stove.

*    Silverware and leather shoe polish

It may sound like a joke to read and hear, but banana peels can bring your silverware and leather shoes back to their original shine. First, you remove the banana particles from the inside of the peel and then start rubbing the inside of the banana on your shoes or dishes. When you're done, clean the shoes or dish with a soft cloth. You will be amazed at how shiny they look and this technique can be tried on leather furniture too, but try it on a small area first and then consider working on a larger chair.


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