A detailed introduction to insects

    Mosquitoes, termites, cockroaches, bees, butterflies, grasshoppers, ants, fleas, lice, bedbugs and silkworms are insects that everyone is familiar with. Insects are found in almost every type of environment. On Earth. There is hardly any place where you will not see this little creature. Be it the hot desert of the Sahara or the cold region like Antarctica, high mountains or thick jungles, you will see this little creature walking around.

Humans, insects, fishes, birds, snakes, horses, camels, goats, crocodiles, elephants, etc. are all animals. According to an estimate, more than 1.5 million different species of animals have been discovered on this earth and humans are among these 15. There is only one type of animal out of lakhs of species. You will be surprised to know that out of these 15 lakh species, 10 lakh species are only insects while 5 lakh species are of all other animals including fish, snakes, horses, birds etc. All species are included. That is, there are more species of insects than all other species of animals combined. What is even more amazing is that there are millions of species of insects that have not yet been discovered. Scientists believe that Varieties can be up to 5 million.

How many insects are there on this earth? Estimate it so that their number is more than the total number of all other animals. According to an estimate, there are 10 quintillion insects in this world.


That is, there are 10 billion insects on this planet. 1 billion is a very big number and 10 billion is a very big number. The population is 8 billion.

Insects are generally considered to be dirty, despicable and harmful creatures and the main reason for this is that we have less information about insects. But the truth is that there are 3,000 species of snakes on this earth, and only 600 of them are poisonous. Similarly, we have the same perception about insects, while the reality is that This is that not all insects are harmful. There are very few types of insects that destroy crops and spread diseases to humans. For example, female mosquitoes suck human blood and transmit diseases such as malaria and typhoid to humans. Similarly, flies spread cholera in humans.

The fact is that there are very few types of insects that are harmful to us. Insects bring us many benefits. Just look at the honey bee. It is also an insect and a very hardworking insect. You will be surprised to know that. It is said that bees have to suck the juice of 2 million flowers to make one pood (about half a kilo) of honey. It is used in treatment etc. Also its venom contains chemicals which are used as medicine to treat wounds etc.

Insects play an important role in the productivity of our plants and crops. Insects play an important role in the formation of seeds from the flowers of plants. What happens is that a flower has male and female parts. The male part is Stamen and the female part is Carpel. They say. There are some seeds in the male part which are called pollen. These pollens have sex cells. Now to make seeds, it is necessary that these pollens go to the female part. And this work is mostly done by insects and other animals. The insects that do this work are called pollinators and this process is called pollination. When insects like bees and butterflies come to suck the juice of these flowers, the pollen sticks to their bodies. When they move, the pollens next to their body stick to the stigma on the upper part of the female part.

We are very cruel people and use insecticides indiscriminately to increase crop production. Most of our farmers are untrained. And when to use it. One of its disadvantages would be that due to the deadly effects of these drugs, the enemy insects die, but at the same time, our friendly insects (Beneficial Insects) are also targeted by these insecticides. For example. When pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and other pollinators come to the sprayed flowers, it will obviously have a fatal effect on them as well, due to which their numbers have decreased, which is alarming news. That there are other reasons for the decrease in their number, but one of the main reasons is the indiscriminate use of pesticides.

    Apart from this, there are also insects on these flowers that kill our enemies, the insects that destroy the crops. Like ladybugs, the red beetle is our friendly insect that spreads diseases in the crops and the insects that cut the leaves of the crops. Now it is obvious how they can be protected from the deadly effects of the spray. This means that by indiscriminate and reckless use of these insecticides, we are destroying the enemy insects as well as our friendly insects. Now in some areas of the world, farmers are using insects as insecticides to eliminate crop-destroying insects, which are our friendly insects.

The total population of the world is about 8 billion and currently 2 billion people use insects in their diet. Out of 1 million species of insects, 119 species are used as food. Especially in African countries, insects are used as food. Food consumption is common. Insects are rich in nutrition. They are rich in proteins. In addition, they are rich in vitamins and minerals (especially iron and zinc). In other words, insects contain almost all the nutrients. Some experts believe that insects can be a good substitute for other animals in the future, because as the human population increases, the food obtained from other animals is insufficient. Insects are a major food source for many other animals.

You will see some insects that are not actually insects. For example, spiders and scorpions are commonly mistaken for insects. But in fact they are not insects. Then the question is, what is the characteristic of an insect? The most special thing about an insect is that it has six legs (as can be seen in the figure). Any such insect (which we consider ) that has less than or more than six legs is not classified as an insect. Spiders and scorpions are not considered insects because they have eight legs and do not have antennae on their heads, whereas most insects do. There are two antennae on the head. In addition, centipedes and millipedes are not counted as insects because their number of legs is not six, but their number of legs can be in seconds and they crawl on the ground.

It can be seen in the figure that the insect's body consists of three parts, including the head, thorax and abdomen. There are two thick eyes on the insect's head, which are called compound eyes. A human eye has a lens that Whereas there are hundreds to thousands of lenses in one eye of an insect. That is, we can say that there are hundreds or thousands of small eyes in one eye of an insect. With the help of these eyes, the insect immediately perceives up, down and left and right movements. There are two antennae on the head of insects, with the help of which they can feel the taste of things and the antennae also help in communication. In addition, there is a mouth and mustache on the head of the insect.

After the head, the second part i.e. the middle part is the thorax, which has six legs on the bottom and 2 or 4 on the top. However, some insects such as fleas, lice and bedbugs are insects that do not have wings but The number of such insects is very low.

The third and last part of the insect is the abdomen. It is usually longitudinal. Like us, they do not have lungs. They have small openings on the abdomen (may also have openings on the thorax) called spiracles (see figure). Insects take in clean air with the help of these pores or holes and expel dirty air out.

There are more types and numbers of insects than all other animals. One of the main reasons for this is that insects multiply very quickly. Compared to other animals, insects lay more eggs. Take the example of termites. She lays about 30,000 eggs in a day and the babies born from them grow very quickly, that is, they become young in a few weeks.

The age of insects is very old. Humans are one million years old, that is, the first human appeared on this earth one million years ago. According to geologists, the age of insects is more than 350 million years old, that is, when humans did not inhabit this world. Even at that time, these small creatures were inhabited. The age of insects is even older than the age of dinosaurs, but we see that dinosaurs have been wiped out, but insects persisted, enduring all kinds of situations with patience and bravery. . This is why it is the largest group of animals today.


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