A detailed introduction to bees

    A spoonful of honey may not be of much importance to you, but twelve bees have to work hard all their lives to make that much honey. Here you can imagine how hardworking and persistent the bees are. Honey bees make honey by sucking the juice of flowers and they have to go around and suck the juice of about 2 million flowers to produce just half a kilo of honey. It is not surprising.

The unique thing about bees is that not all the bees in the hive lay eggs, but a single bee lays eggs. This bee is called the queen bee (can be seen in the figure), which is physically different from all the other bees. It is the mother of all the other bees. The queen bee's job is to order the rest of the bees and lay eggs. She lays 1500 to 2,000 eggs a day. The queen bee communicates with other bees. And to keep them organized, they release a different type of smell (Pheromone) which the rest of the bees feel with their antennae. Each smell has a different meaning.

The most numerous bees in the hive are called worker bees. They are the female bees like the queen. Feeding the bees is their main responsibility. They are female bees, but they do not have the ability to lay eggs. However, they can sometimes lay eggs when there is no queen bee. So they give, but their eggs are destroyed by the remaining bees.

The third type of bees in the hive are called drones. These are male bees and are less in number than worker bees. They are larger than worker bees and smaller than queen bees. In terms of size, the largest is the queen, then the nakhtoo bees and the smallest are the mazur bees, but in terms of number, the mazur bees are the most then the nakhtoo (whose number can be from 300 to 500) and the queen is the same.

Worker Bees

    As the name suggests, worker bees are only worker bees, because they stay in the hive. They do not have to work hard. The main function of the bees is to mate with the queen bee. Apart from this, they also regulate the temperature of the hive. 20) happens. During the flight, the male flies alternately mate with the queen. But this mating is fatal for them because if the mating is successful, the male flies die immediately. This is because the mating During hatching, reproductive parts or organs of bees are separated from its body.

By the way, honeybees do not have any respect. They only breed at the expense of others, but in the end they are humiliated and disgraced. Something similar happens with honeybees. When winter comes, bees usually consume honey. does not make because the flowers do not bloom in this season, so the stock in the hive is spent on honey. They are lazy because they have spent their entire life in the hive in peace and quiet. Therefore, they die due to lack of food and severe weather as soon as they come out of the hive.

People are often afraid of bee stings and should be afraid because the person who fights it can tell how much it hurts. But do you know that not all bees are capable of stinging? There are. Only the worker bees and the queen bee in the hive can sting, while the queen bee does not. It is also interesting that honey bees do not sting at all because you often find them in the garden sucking the juice of flowers. You must have seen and sometimes even if they sit on the skin, they don't say anything, that means they don't have the mood to go.

Bees Hive

    But when someone provokes them or when they feel that their hive is in danger, then they attack back. But the surprising thing is that when a bee stings someone, the stinger will die. After some time, they die on their own, that is, the sting becomes the cause of death for them, but when do they know that their anger will become the cause of their own death.

Now why would this happen? The reason is that their sting, which is on the back of the stomach, when they sting a human or an animal, this sting is like a sharp needle. Therefore, when it is a predator. When it enters the skin, it gets stuck in it so much that the bees try their best to remove the sting from the skin of the victim, but they fail to do so. Instead, the sting is attached to the abdomen. The part gets separated from the body of the bee, which results in the death of the host bee after some time because this part contains the digestive system etc.

The queen Bee

    The queen bee dies after stinging predators with thick skin (such as humans), meaning that not all predators die after being stung. Or it is not rough so when it bites someone its sting is not separated from its body so it can bite many times at a time. But it bites very rarely.

Bees (worker bees) travel miles to suck the juice of various flowers (this juice is called nectar) and make honey. After all, how do they make honey? If they suck it and take it into the body, then there is a stomach in their body which is called "Honey Stomch". This juice turns into honey. After that, they store this honey in small cells of the hive. This honey has a high water content (70 to 80 percent). Now these bees flap their wings. They generate so much heat that most of the water in this honey evaporates. And now the honey has more sweetness. In such a sweet honey, bacteria etc. cannot grow, so this honey is enough. It does not spoil for a long time. After storing the honey in boxes, they seal it with a wax.

When the bees go to suck the juice of the flowers, they do another very important job there. The flower has male and female parts. The female part is called Carpel and the male part is called Stamen. Now the male part. There are small grains on it which are called pollens (pollens have sex cells). While bees are walking on the flower, the pollen sticks to their body. When these bees go to the female part, these pollens are female. Attaches to the stigma above the part. This process is called pollination. This process is also important because the transfer of pollen from the male part to the female part is very important for the formation of seeds. Although other insects and animals do pollination, but among them a large The name is also that of the bee.

This means that due to this pollination, the yield of crops including vegetables, fruits, etc. is improved. There is a profit of 15 billion dollars. That is, if there were no bees in the United States, the United States would have to suffer a loss of 15 billion dollars every year.

The quality of bees is that the honey they make is eaten by themselves as food and this honey is also used by humans. You will not see this quality in other insects. If there are suckers, they also collect the pollen on the flower, which they use as food. But remember that bees do not use pollen to make honey. Pollen proteins, while juice (nectar) carbohydrates. Sugar) is the best source.

There are about 50,000 bees in a big hive, but there is only one leader and that is the queen. Her age is also longer than the rest of the bees. In a favorable environment, she can live for 3 to 5 years, while worker bees. The average age of bees is 45 days and the average age of bees is 30 days. When the queen becomes old or sick, her ability to lay eggs decreases, then the rest of the bees kill her. The way they kill This is called baling. In this, all the bees gather around it and flap their wings so violently that their body temperature rises to such an extent that the queen bee dies.

Immediately after the death of the queen bee, a new queen becomes the leader of the hive. How she is formed is also of interest. In fact, the queen bee that lays eggs, fifteen of the larvae born from these eggs. Twenty female bees are selected to become the future queen. They are fed a special type of food called royal jelly (it is white in color). Meanwhile, the female bee reaches puberty first. She becomes the future queen. At that time, the first queen is killed by the other bees by bowling method or the new queen kills her herself or sometimes the old queen takes some worker bees and leaves the hive to make a new hive.

    Bees are insects that lay eggs. You may be wondering how this insect is. Actually, insects are the largest group of animals. There are about a million different types of insects in this world. Mosquitoes, Termites, bedbugs, butterflies, ants etc. are all insects that everyone is familiar with. The biggest feature of an insect is that it has six legs, the body consists of three parts, namely head, thorax and abdomen, and the head. There are two antennae. When honey bees lay eggs, the babies born from them look completely different from bees. They are called larvae. These larvae hatch into pupae and pupate for about 15 to 25 days. This process is called metamorphosis. This process is also seen in other insects like butterflies and ants.


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