99 Interesting and amazing information
1. You only see the faces you know in a dream.
2. The more you try to sleep, the less the chances of sleeping.
3. You can not write any English word with the buttons in the last line of the keyboard.
4. The human mind spends seventy percent of the time making sketches of old memories or future golden memories.
5. Laughing for fifteen minutes is as beneficial for the body as sleeping for two hours.
6. After any discussion, fifty-five percent of people think of the sharp and sharp sentences they say in this discussion.
8. One moment in philosophy means ninety seconds
9.cold cough shows a five times better effect than chocolate cough syrup.
10. Try whatever you want to do, you can not remember where your dream started.
11. No emotional blow is more than fifteen or twenty minutes, then the emotional time is due to your "over-thinking", which causes you to wound yourself.
12. Usually you see yourself five times more beautiful than reality in the mirror. Or understand
13. According to science, ninety-nine percent of people are terrified when they get this message
"Ask me something"
Can I ask you a question
I often get shocked by reading this message of yours. I do not know what to ask.
14. The closest star to the earth is the sun which is located 93 million miles away from the earth
15. The fly shakes on its own 32 times in a second
16. 26 countries of the world do not think the sea
17. The idea of breaking stones in the bladder first came to Arab doctors
18. The power of horse, cat and rabbit is more than human, it can shake its ears to hear a weak voice.
19. The first well of the oil was lost in 1859 in Pennsylvania America
20. Tortoise, bee and snake are deaf
21. The city of Jerusalem was occupied 24 times in history
22. The world's largest park is in Canada
23. Hitler intended to change the name of Berlin and keep Germany
24. The highest mountains in the world are found in Switzerland
25. The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 years old, they lived in China in 1910.
26. The amount of vitamin c in fast pepper is highest as compare to all fruits and vegetables.
27. Allaah made the first day (Sunday). (it is written in the bible and maybe the quran and hadith are silent about it. I think Friday was the first day.
28- the time of the pharaohs was 10 days in Egypt
29. The taste of taste is in its back foot
30-the world's longest war was between France and Britain, the war began in 1338 and ended in 1453, that is, it lasted 115 years
31- the sun remains completely absent from the north sky for 186 days of the year
32. Cold water is lighter than hot water. chemistry
33. The average number of phone calls per person in the world is 1140
34- the average age of a whale is 500 years.
35- the name of eighteen Kings of France was Louis
36- the first house on the world was built by kaaba muazma.
37-most rubber trees are found in southeast Asia
38- if a hot drink is poured into a thick glass, it is more likely to break than a thin glass.
39- when a man is born he has 300 bones in his body which remain only 206 until he is an adult. Small bones are combined to convert into large bones.
40- in the 18th century, ketchup was used as a medicine
41. The average age of a well is up to five hundred years.
42. Within eighteen months, two mice produce about 1 million of their companions.
43. Unlike humans, sheep have four stomach and each stomach helps them to digest food.
50. The frog never closes its eyes, even while sleeping, the eyes remain open.
51. There is no single bone in the shark's body.
52. Jelly fish does not have a brain.
53. Penguins spend half of their life in water and half on land (dandruff)
54. Squirrels are blind when they are born.
55. Komodo is the longest type of lizard. Whose length is about 3 meters.
56. Cangro cannot walk backwards.
57. The largest egg shark in the world.
58. The most intelligent animal in the world is a bird, called the grey parrot in English and the beige parrot in Urdu.
59. The world's largest search engine Google daily makes billions of people find their required information and websites. This search engine is so complex and conveys huge amount of data and information to billions of people that the human mind is stunned by seeing its power and speed.
60. A penguin is an animal that can convert saline water into freshwater.
61. If goldfish is caught in low light, it digs its color.
62. The head of jelly fish is called the bell.
63. One chicken lays an average of 228 eggs a year.
64. Cats spend 66 percent of their lives sleeping.
65. Prawns have blood bearings, but when it emits oxygen, its color turns blue.
66. Bulls run more rapidly upwards than down.
67. Elephant's teeth are honored to be the world's largest teeth.
68. The size of the world's smallest red bag is only 3 mm.
69. Shark's teeth fall every week.
70. Hippopotamus is capable of looking in two different directions at the same time.
71. The ice bear can run at a speed of 25 MPH and jump up to a height of 6 feet in the air.
72. A tiger's tail can extend to one third of its total body length.
73. Fish USES its tails and fins to taste something.
74. Dragonfly has 6 legs but she still can't walk.
75. White cats that are blue-eyed are usually deaf.
76. African elephants have 4 teeth.
77. Zoroastrianism can not take place.
78. A mute is capable of sleeping 3 years continuously.
79. An average of 55 billion drinks are used in just one day in the world
80. When shahid afridi made the record of the fastest century, he was using the bat of Indian star sachin tendulkar.
81. Do you know this amazing thing about the "human body" manifestation of god's power? The total length of blood vessels in the human body is equal to 60 thousand.
82. Sam sang is the combination of two words of Korean language Sam orsing.sam means "three" and song means "stars". E three stars
83. The maximum depth of the ocean is about 11 km (10923 mair)
84. Percent of the people in the world use Google to check their spelling. And 80% of people in Pakistan use Google to find out if the Internet is running.
85. The language of the frog has the power to suppress the victim three times
86. The most dangerous air accident ever happened in 1977. And 583 people were killed in the accident.
87. African elephant is the third largest animal in the world. Its weight has been recorded up to 13000 kg.
88. Almost half of the world's population lives in only five countries, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia
89. Blind people do not dream like us.
90. The eyes of a fish are always open because it does not have eyelids.
91. Owl is the only bird that blink its upper eyelids. All the rest of the birds blink their lower eyelids.
92. Do you know the interesting thing about the Dead Sea that even if you fall into the sea, you will not sink into it.
93. Pakistan's "makli graveyard, thatta" is the largest cemetery of muslims. There are millions of muslims buried in one place. This cemetery is spread over a 6-mile long area.
94. According to the number, the world's largest note was issued by Zimbabwe in 2009, which was $100 trillion, or $100 trillion.
95. Do you know the interesting thing about lions that lion's children often act as crying when they bite their parents?
96. Do you know that a bird named qadus also sleeps or sleeps while flying?
97. The scorpion can stop its breath for six days. He will not breathe but will live.
98. During a period of 40 years from a single husband of a Russian woman, "Mrs. Vasilov", 69 children were born during the period from 1725 to 1765.
99. Moroccan sultan ismael bin sharif ibn al-nasser, who ruled Morocco for 55 years from 1672 to 1727. He had 525 sons and 342 daughters from different wives and bondmen (housewives).
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