What is the secret of black hole?

     In the world of science, a black hole is sometimes called a gateway to another universe and sometimes a pit of death. Is the color of the black hole really black or is there a world of secrets hidden behind this black curtain? When a star is at the end of its life, it explodes or turns into a black hole. any star becomes a black hole when all its matter is trapped in a small space. If we were to squeeze or sun into a space the size of a tennis ball, it would turn into a black hole.

    A black hole has so much matter in a small space that its attraction is so strong that even light, the fastest object in the universe so far investigated, cannot escape it. There is an impression that if our sun become a black hole, it will swallow all the planets of the solar system, but the surprising thins is that according to scientists, even if the sun become a black hole, then the earth and the rest of the planets will still remain in their orbits. I will continue to circle in vain.

    The gravity of a black hole depends on the amount of matter it contains, and as the sun becomes a black hole, the amount of matter will remain the same. Therefore, the gravitational pull on the planets will also remain the same. Since the mass of the sun will be very reduced after the formation of a black hole, the gravity around it will increase to a certain extent that if anything cross this limit, the it will be impossible to come back.

    This boundary around the black hole is known in astronomical terms as the "Event Horizon". If we talk about light, this is the medium that our eye perceives and what we see. On this, some people have a question that if the event horizon light of the black hole does not return, then how do scientists identify the black hole?

Swallowing a neutron Star

    The simple answer to this question is that until today scientists have never seen a black hole and will not be able to see it in the coming times, but yes, a few years ago, thousands of black holes were discovered in the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy and now. the same scientists also released a picture of the black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.

    It has been debated since the 20th century that a supermeso black hole, a black hole that can contain up to four million stars like our Sun, is surrounded by many smaller black holes. But scientists had not observed this. So it was hard to prove it, but a few years ago, scientists discovered thousands of smaller black holes orbiting the spermeso black hole at the center of our own galaxy.

    After this discovery, it was also proved that there are small black holes around such a big black hole. Scientists made that discovery while taking a picture of the central black hole of the galaxy. It is also worth noting that when a black hole swallows matter, just before the event horizon, the matter collapses and turns into energy due to the strong attraction. All this results in X-rays being produced very close to the even horizon. Which can be captured in a picture with the help of X-ray telescopes on the ground. This is how we see black holes and how these tiny black holes were discovered. These smaller black holes contain ten time more matter than our sun, while the central black hole can hold four million suns.

    "The center of the Galaxy is a very strange place, so many people like to study it," says the Columbia University astronomer. It will be as if it is just the beginning, because there are many secrets of the universe which are yet to be revealed.


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