Eat Tomatoes and live life
Tomato is a vegetable / fruit that has no taste when it is not in curry, but it is used in many things besides curry. Scientifically tomato is a fruit but is used as a vegetable in botanical terms, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant. When we eat vegetable, we are directly eating the plant or its parts, such as roots, stems or leaves, etc.
There are more than 10,000 species of this plant in the world. Surprisingly, it has even been grown in space. Tomatoes was the fruit of the whole world till March 10, 1893. An order of the Supreme court came and tomato became a vegetable for life. The background of this interesting case is that in 1883, the American Congress issued the Trade Act of 1883. Under this act a 10 percent duty was imposed on all vegetables imported into the United States. Today, tomato is botanically or scientifically a fruit, but it is now considered a vegetable all over the world. Why? Because the court has declared it a vegetable.
Tomato scientific name is Solanum lycopersicum, it belongs to the family of plants called Solanaceae family, in this family there are many vegetable including potato, pepper and egg plant. Let me tell you the funny thing, lycopersicum is a Latin word that means "wolf peach", which means that in olden times it was believed that tomato was poisonous and used to kill wolves.
Tomato color: -
Normally, when tomatoes are unripe, they are green in color (this green color is due to a compound called chlorophyll), but when they begin to ripen, a pigment called lycopene begins to form in it. This pigment is known to absorb visible light but not red, which makes tomatoes look red.
Tomato flavor:-
When it comes to flavor, there is another compound in tomatoes called geranial which has been found to be very helpful in imparting flavor to tomatoes.
* It contains a lot of minerals and vitamins ie vitamin A, BC and E. It is very useful for your body as well as your hair, eating it stops hair fall and also eliminates dandruff.
* Eating tomatoes protects against heart diseases.
* There is a lot of antioxidant in tomato juice, which prevents different types of cancer i.e. tumor and prevents lung cancer.
* Eating it improves digestion.
* If consumed in proper quantity, it can eliminate kidney and gall bladder stones.
* By eating it, cholesterol balance is maintained.
* Due to the fibers present in it, the blood sugar level is balanced.
* It strengthens teeth and bones due to vitamin / calcium present in it.
* Blood clot does not form by eating it and blood pressure remains normal due to the calcium present.
* Due to the vitamin C/A present in it, the pimples on the face disappear.
* Wrinkles on the face, which later cause aging, are eliminated by eating tomatoes.
* Due to the vitamin E present in it, eyesight becomes sharper.
Why do Tomatoes go bad?
Tomatoes contain many organic compounds, including one (3-Hexanal) that makes up its structure and is a volatile compound, meaning that (when kept at high or low temperatures) it quickly dissipates, causing Tomatoes start to spoil.
what happens when you put Tomatoes in the freezer?
Some people refrigerate it while very cold it damages the cell membrane an also affects the enzyme performance and therefore the compound called (3-Hexanal) starts to volatilize and is completely destroyed within a week in the freezer. Again, keeping it out of the freezer for twenty-four hours starts the compound recovery. So it should be kept in a place where the temperature is normal.
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