DENGUE FEVER: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Protection


    Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that affects about 100 to 400 million people every year. The virus that causes dengue is called dengue virus. It is found in regions of Asia and Latin America.

    History of dengue fever: - 

    In the decade of 1775, Africa and North America, in which the patient would suddenly have high fever, and at the same time, headache and joint pain would start, while some patients would also have stomach pain, bloody vomiting and bloody diarrhea. The complaint was made. These patients suffered from the same disease for seven to ten days and finally died. Panic spread among the people and people started migrating from these areas. When the doctors and physicians of that time researched about it, it was found that it is a special type of mosquito which causes this disease by its bite. Dengue fever destroys the patient's white blood cells. High fever, nausea and vomiting, back and muscle pain and severe headache are the main symptoms of dengue fever.

    Dengue Identification and Disasters: -

    In 1979, this disease was identified and named Dengue fever. Dengue is a Spanish word that means cramp or seizure, while it was also called the disease of the dirty spirit. In 1950, this disease appeared in the form of an epidemic in the form of an epidemic in the countries of Southeast Asia, which killed thousands of people. Especially children died. By the end of 1990, an estimated 4 million people have died from this disease.

    From 1975 to 1980, this disease became common. In 2002, the disease became an epidemic in the state of Rio de Janeiro, located in the southeast of Brazil, and it killed more than one million people, mostly children under the age of 16. It is amazing to see that this disease continues to spread almost every five to six years. In Singapore, 4,000 to 5,000 people fall victim to this virus every year, while in 2003, six people in Singapore. And the people who get this disease once, they get this disease soon the next time as well. This can be said to be the next form of the disease called malaria spread by the bite of a mosquito. Like other mosquitoes, it breeds in dirty places and stagnant water. So far no patent medicine or vaccine has been invented for this disease.

    However, efforts are being made to develop a vaccine under the Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative program since 2003. The scientists have developed a dengue virus vaccine has been tested. From five thousand people and various animals have been tested, which has so far revealed some positive results. In 2002 the Swiss Pharma company and the Singapore Economic Development Board jointly started working on developing a drug to eliminate this virus. The only solution to get rid of this epidemic is to take care of cleanliness and continuous spraying of disinfectants in the sewers, streets to eliminate the breeding grounds of dengue mosquito. while individually at night. Mosquito nets should be used and houses should be sprayed with insecticides. 

Types of distribution: -

    There is a virus. It consists of a very small strip of R. N. They are mad up of A. the virus is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. the virus can also spread from mother to child during delivery or pregnancy.

    Dengue is caused by the bite of a female mosquito. After mating with the male, the female needs protein to lay eggs and she feeds on human blood to get this protein, which spreads the dengue infection.

What is dengue virus?

    There are 4 types of dengue virus called DEN1, DEN2, DEN3, DEN4. Dengue is endemic in more than half of the world and almost every country has infected people. Dengue is spread by two species of female mosquitoes. Their names are aegyptia and aedes albopictus. Of these two mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus is the most responsible for spreading the disease. As soon as this wire enters the mosquito's body, ten days later, the mosquito continues to spread the virus throughout its life. After being bitten, when symptoms appear in humans, the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes from the same person for about 12 days.

What is the identity of dengue mosquitoes?

    It is very easy to identify these mosquitoes. White stripes line its thorax as well as a distinctive white stripe from between its eyes to its thorax. A normal mosquito cannot transmit the dengue virus anyway because their internal body is not suitable for the virus and the virus is digested as soon as it enters their stomach.

Where do these mosquitoes live?

    The favorite place of these mosquitoes is clean water. This is usually a puncture shop where tires are usually filled with water, pots, swimming pools and water tanks that do not have lids.

How to avoid dengue and what to do if it happens?

    After conception, the female mosquito needs human blood for her eggs. this mosquito is present in Pakistan from September to December after the monsoon rains. According to experts, this mosquito thrives in a temperature of 10 to 40 degrees Celsius and dies in temperatures lower or higher than that. Dengue is caused by the bite of a female mosquito. After mating with the male, the female mosquito needs protein to lay eggs, and to obtain this protein, she feeds on human blood, which spreads the dengue infection. The difference between malaria and dengue is that the disease is fatal, while there is no specific treatment except for preventive measures.

    According to medical experts, the most important thing to prevent dengue disease is not to allow water to accumulate anywhere. Common people only pay attention to dirty water, but clean water plays the most important role in spreading this disease and the use of mosquito nets and sprays is mandatory because once this disease occurs, the virus cannot be eliminated from the body. it may take up to two to three weeks. After rain, if there is water accumulated around houses or in lawns, yards, etc., it is possible to prevent dengue by removing it immediately and spraying it there. By maintaining cleanliness, if the breeding environment of mosquitoes is eliminated, this disease can be eradicated and many developed countries have controlled this disease in this way.  

How to confirm dengue?

    Dengue fever is confirmed by a blood test called SS1 or PCR.

Symptoms of Dengue fever:-

   Symptoms of this disease include high fever along with pain in the body, especially in the back and legs, and severe headache. During the fever, the dengue patient may feel drowsy and may also experience difficulty in breathing. The dengue virus also affects blood flow and heart rate, and can affect blood pressure, meaning blood pressure and heart rate. It has also been mentioned in the previous line that the larvae of this mosquito thrive in clean water.

    Apart from this, the patient complains of nausea and vomiting, red marks on the body and bleeding from the gums or nose may also occur. there is pain in the joints. In this disease, the patient experiences severe pain in the muscles and joints, especially in the back and legs. In the initial stage of dengue fever, the skin also gets scratched and the skin starts to peel off. when dengue fever reaches its peak, the patient starts bleeding from the nose and gums.  Dengue can be transmitted from one person to another through a mosquito.

    Medical experts say that patients suffering from the disease have less than 50,000 platelets in their blood and develop pain behind the eyes, swollen lymph nodes and rashes. Some infected people may not develop visible symptoms and others may have milder symptoms such as fever e.g. children may present with a mild non-specific febrile illness with red rash.

    Symptoms of the first infection are usually mild. Once cured, lifelong immunity to this dengue virus serotype develops, but after recovery, cross-immunity against the other three serotypes is only partial and temporary.

Treatment of Dengue Disease:-

    There is no specific treatment for dengue or severe dengue fever. It usually resolves itself. Symptomatic medications are usually given to relieve anxiety. The key to treatment is maintining fluid / blood circulation in the body. Appropriate and timely treatment is essential. The mortality rate is less than 1%.

How is rescue possible from Dengue:-

    Preventive measures include eliminating stagnant water bodies that act ss breeding grounds for mosquitoes. And avoid mosquito bites.

Prevention of mosquito-borne diseases:-

    *    Choose loose, light-colored clothing that covers your entire body and apply an insect repellent lotion on exposed parts of the body.

    *    Take extra precautions when engaging in outdoor activities. For example, wear full-sleeved shirts, pants, and stay away from standing water.

    *    If traveling abroad or going to countries that are affected by dengue, make sure to consult a doctor at least 6 weeks before travel and take extra precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

Measures to prevent the spread of mosquitoes:-

    *    Do not allow stagnant water to accumulate.

    *    Change the water in the flower seeds once a week.

    *    Close water containers tightly (keep water covered).

    *    Make sure that the trays of air conditioners are free from standing water.

    *    Put all used cans and bottles in covered dust bins.

    *    This disease can be eradicated by maintain cleanliness.

What to do after dengue?

    *    The patient should rest as much as possible.

    *    The patient should drink a lot of water and can use fruit juice. In addition to water, but do not use drinks.

    *    Blood thinners should be used.

    *    The patient should repeat the test with CBC and FBC.

    *    Papaya juice is a cure for dengue because the dengue patient is asked to drink a lot of water and juice, so consuming papaya juice helps a lot in maintaining a certain amount of water in the body.

    Dengue only happens once in a lifetime. This is wrong. There are 4 different types of dengue but it is true that if someone has been attacked by one type of dengue virus, there is a possibility that he will not get another attack of that type of virus but the other 3 types of virus may attack.


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