Adverse effects of Mobile phone Towers

    Mobile phone is one of the most important inventions of the modern era, which has completely changed the direction of human life. There has been a revolution in information. Information and messaging that has engulfed the entire world and the speed at which the use of mobile phones is increasing in the world. The concerns and dangers associated with it are becoming very clear. When we receive a call fro our mobile phone, our phone transmits the call signal to the nearest mobile phone tower through radio frequency. From where he moves to another tower and then to the next tower. In this way the call travels to our desired phone. According to experts, the chances of suffering from various diseases including cancer are increasing due to the electric waves emitted by mobile phones. The more powerful these electric waves are longer a person stays in the range of these waves. The chances of having negative effects on health will also increase.

    Research has proven that the human brain is affected by the waves emitted by mobile phones is very sensitive and these waves are more effective on children, elderly, pregnant women and people suffering from any disease, due to their weak immune system.

    According to research, our brain cannot tolerate the radiation emitted by mobile phone, the effects of these electric waves are on the entire human body and body cells. According to experts, most smartphones are equipped with radio frequency, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transmitters, and when these three are working in one place and together. the electromagnetic waves emitted by them increase many times the set limits. According to scientists, there should not be any living thing up to a hundred meters in front of mobile phone towers. 

    According to a report, out of about 20,000 mobile phone towers in the Punjab province of Pakistan, 16,000 towers were installed without the permission of the Department of Environment and administration, while under the Punjab Land Rules 2009, mobile companies can only install towers at commercial locations. similarly, according to the Environment Act of the federal government, the noise of generators of phone towers should not exceed 65 decibels at night, while the generators of mobile companies produce at least 70 decibels of noise, which is an extremely dangerous situation.

    It is having very bad effects on human nerves. Apart from this, due to the increase in the number of towers of the telephone companies, people are suffering from various diseases. These towers installed on tall buildings in urban areas emit radiation effects, due to which the citizens are facing various physical problems along with neurological and psychological problems. 

    According to a scientific report, the chances of losing pregnancy in women due to these magnetic waves have also been seen. Due to the harmful health rays of the mobile phone tower, insomnia, headache, migraines, joint pains, heart problems can occur in people living nearby. Complicated diseases, loss of memory and disease like cancer occur. The alarming thing is that mobile phone towers are emitting more radiation than mobile phones, which are more continuous and powerful than radiation of mobile phones, due to which the number of people directly affected by them is increasing day by day. It is happening because people who do not use mobile phone are also exposed to these radiation rays.

    There are some rules for installing mobile phone tower according to which mobile phone towers should be installed away from urban areas so that people can be protected from its harmful effects. But contrary to this law, nowadays mobile phone towers are being installed in every street and roofs of houses, empty plots, even fields, which has now become a business and a means of earing money. Despite the possibility of danger to health, the mobile phone has become the basic need of everyone nowadays and it is also an important need in today's developing world and its use will only increase in the coming days.
    Taking a few precautions can significantly reduce this dangerous monster harmful to health. We urgently need that all the concerned institutions across the country should make regulations keeping in mind the seriousness of the magnetic waves emitted by the mobile phone towers, in which the health of the citizens should be taken into consideration first and the neighborhoods should be educated about the potential damage caused by phone company towers in all urban areas and the towers should be moved away from the urban population.


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