Male and Female Flower of a Pomegranate Plant

Male and Female Flower of Pomegranate Plant

                      An easy way to differentiate the male and female flower of a pomegranate plant
                                                                     Click here to watch video
    The flower of pomegranate plant is a beautiful offspring of its tree. Known for its bright red color attributes, they are a smallish shrub that grows just about 18 to 35 ft high. With a diameter of about 1.3 in this tree is native to surroundings of Persia, present-day Iran. Pomegranate tree thrives in summer and warmer climates including in India, parts of Africa, Mediterranean basin and Southeast Asia. Pomegranate also have thriving population in Spanish America, California, and handful of other places.

    Pomegranate binomially called as Punica granatum, is a deciduous tree. It belong the family of Lythraceae. Its flower is most famous for its fruit, which is used in many dishes. The owners enjoy the best of its fruits and the beauty of this amazing flowers. If you wish to explain the different shape of pomegranate flower let this article walk you through it:        

    The Pomegranate has two types of flowers on the same plant. Functional male flowers and bisexual flowers are female-fertile flowers that can set fruits. Functional male flower are female-sterile flowers that fail to set fruit and that eventually drop. Click here to watch video

     I am going to show you how to differentiate between male and female flower of a pomegranate plant.

Male flowers of Pomegranate 

    1.    Male flowers of Pomegranate has got the shape of a hanging bell.

Female flower of Pomegranate

    2.    Male flowers have no Stigma.

                                  Now lets see the appearance of a female flower

Female flower of Pomegranate

    1.    Female flowers of Pomegranate are vase-shaped.

Female flower of Pomegranate
   2.    Stigma is present / visible in female flowers of Pomegranate. Click here to watch video


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